Building a culture of safeguarding is a paramount consideration for all Jesuit and companion schools within the JECSE network. In 2019, the Secretariat for Education of the Society of Jesus underscored that “Jesuit schools are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for all” (Jesuit Schools: a Living Tradition in the 21st Century – An Ongoing Exercise of Discernment), thus making safeguarding a key indicator among the ten identifiers guiding our schools.
Although awareness of the need to take action in the area of safeguarding has significantly increased in recent years, many schools still face challenges due to a lack of resources, qualified staff, and experience to address these needs adequately.
Therefore JECSE has formed a partnership with the ZIP – Zentrum für Ignatianische Pädagogik (the Centre for Ignatian Pedagogy) to provide staff formation in the area of safeguarding to our schools staff memebrs.
We are currently offering online training and organising a discussion forum for school safeguarding coordinators as part of our new project: “Safeguarding – From awareness to action. Strengthening and evaluating a culture of protection in JECSE schools“.
Let's talk about Safeguarding...
Join our online discussion forum, learn about good practices and share your thoughts.
Online safeguarding workshops
Attend online safeguarding workshops and seminars
We cordially invite all those involved in the protection of minors
in schools belonging to the JECSE network to join our group:
The Society of Jesus has been actively involved in the development of safeguarding in its various ministries for many years, especially through the implementation of the The Promotion of Consistent Culture of Protection programme (PCCP). With PCCP, structures and programmes have been created in every Province, Region and Network of the Society of Jesus to make the commitment to eliminate abuse a reality.
Our aim is for every school in our network to have 3 minimum standards in place:
- Policy/Guidelines for ethical behaviour and safe environments
- Protocols for dealing with allegations and case management including victim accompaniment
- Training and formation for all school staff
Our previous safeguarding activities:
Strengthening a Culture of Protection in JECSE Schools
Building a culture of safeguarding is a paramount consideration for all Jesuit and companion schools within the JECSE (Jesuit European Committee for Primary and Secondary Education) network. In 2019, the Secretariat for Education of the Society of Jesus underscored...
New Book! “Protecting Minors in our schools”
“Safeguarding children and adults is about transforming human relationships, from violence to dialogue, from abuse to equity, so that social interactions become the best shield to prevent abuses.” (Jeyaraj, Guiney & Racionero-Plaza 2023). The Jesuit European...
Safeguarding Conference 2022
Protecting the Minors in our Schools. Preventing and responding to (sexualised) violenceJECSE and ZIPHybrid Safeguarding Conference 01-04 March 2022Ludwigshafen, GermanyJesuit schools are places where we want to provide high quality education in a safe and healthy...